ES3001 CE Testing Report
ES3001 CE Testing Report

Item specifics

2013/8/7 - 2026/8/7
Certification bodies

Certificate description

ES3001 earplugs CE
ES3001 earplugs CE
ES3001 earplugs CE
Testing Standards:
EN 352-2:2002
(DIN EN 352-2:2003) 
Hearing Protectors, General requirements
Part 2: Earplugs 
EN 13819-1:2002
(DIN EN 13819-1:2003)
Hearing Protectors, Tests
Part 1: Physical test methods 
EN 13819-2:2002
(DIN EN 13819-2:2003) 
Hearing Protectors, Tests
Part 2: Acoustical test methods 
ISO 4869-1: 1990
(DIN EN ISO 4869-1:1991)
Hearing Protectors
Part 1: Subjective method for measurement of sound
ISO 4869-2: 1994
(DIN EN ISO 4869-2 1995)
Acoustics- Hearing protectors
Part 2: Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure
levels when hearing protectors are worn 
DIN EN ISO 4869-2
Corrigenda: 2007
Acoustics- Hearing protectors
Part 2: Estimation of effective A-weighted sound pressure
levels when hearing protectors are worn 
IEC 60268-1:1988
Sound general equipment; General
ISO 8253-2:2009
(DIN ISO 8253-2:2009
Audiometric test methods
Part 2: Sound field audiometry with pure tone and narrow
band test signals
Those materials used in parts of ear-plugs coming into contact with the wearer’s skin comply with the following requirements:
The materials are not known to be likely to cause skin irritation, skin disorders, allergic reactions nor any other adverse effects to health within the lifetime of the use of the ear-plugs. When subject to contact with sweat, ear wax or with other materials likely to be found in the ear canal, the materials are not known to undergo changes within the lifetime of the use of the ear plugs that would result in significant alteration to those properties of the ear-plugs that are required to be assessed when the ear-plugs are examined for compliance with 4.2 and 4.3.
4.2.2 Construction
All parts of ear-plugs are designed and manufactured such that they are not liable to cause physical damage to the wearer when fitted and used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Any part of the ear-plugs that is likely to protrude outside the ear canal when fitted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions are of such a construction that mechanical contact with the ear-plugs is unlikely to cause any injury to the ear. When inserted in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, ear-plugs are capable of being readily and completely removed from the ear canal by the user, without the use of tools or instruments.
When ear-plugs are marked re-usable, re-closable packaging, suitable to ensure hygienic storage between use, shall be supplied with each pair of ear-plugs.